There is a time and place for every type of bag. I personally think messenger bags perfectly fill the void between leather briefcases and laptop backpacks. Messenger bags should fit all the essentials for getting things done on the move: your laptop, smaller gadgets, associated cables, pens, a notepad, and anything else you may need to carry.
Not all messenger bags are created equal though. I have ripped my way through enough cheap bags to know that quality gear is always worth it.
I have been in the market for a messenger bag to replace my cheapo work-issue bag. It needed to be substantially stronger than the flimsy bag that I was toting to the office. Packing my old laptop bag with anything more than the bare necessities caused it to bulge, and its thin handle finally began ripping at the seams after a year of abuse. Needless to say, it was time for an upgrade.

About Timbuk2
Timbuk2, a company that was started out of a San Francisco bike messenger’s garage, has built a reputation making high-quality gear for bike enthusiasts and urban nomads. Whether your preferred method of travel involves two wheels or two wings, Timbuk2 claims to have a practical & tech-oriented bag for every occasion. The company also goes above & beyond when it comes to providing repairs or upcycling opportunities once their products reach the end of their useful lives. I wanted to see what the hype was all about, and who better to look towards than an industry icon.
Enter the Timbuk2 Prospect Messenger Bag. This particular bag was designed with the award-winning Timbuk2 Customizer. This means the bag arrives with the all-important “Handmade In San Francisco” tag to confirm that it was made in the USA. As with all Timbuk2 bags, they stand behind this messenger bag with their lifetime warranty.

Timbuk2 Prospect Messenger Bag Specifications
- Capacity: 22 liters
- Height: 13 inches (33cm)
- Width: 15 inches (38.1 cm)
- Depth: 5.9 inches (15 cm)
- Weight: 2.4 pounds (1.1 kg)
- Closure: Rolltop
- Buckles/Hardware: Plastic
- Made in the USA (unique to Timbuk2’s custom bags)
What does the Timbuk2 Prospect Messenger Bag look & feel like?
My personal rule is to avoid using generic-looking black bags that could be mistaken for someone else’s, and this custom messenger bag certainly stands out. My bag is outfitted with a black bottom, shades of gray & silver on the upper body, and white accents. Timbuk2’s customization options are extensive, so you can rest assured that you will be able to find a look that fits you. I love that this is unique without being too loud. Don’t be afraid to show a little personality!
Timbuk2 offers various materials to choose from to customize your bag. My Prospect Messenger Bag is constructed with a mix of cordura blends, and they come together to create a sturdy body that holds its shape well. The inside of the bag is lined with gray materials. The aesthetic matches the outer appearance, but a high-contrast inner lining would have been appreciated.

How does the Timbuk2 Prospect Messenger Bag fit?
This bag has a single fixed grab handle in addition to a detachable & adjustable shoulder strap. The utilitarian grab handle is lightly padded and constructed of a seatbelt-like material that feels pleasant in the hand.
The shoulder strap is twice as thick as my previous work-issued laptop bag and is satisfying to wear. Adjustment comes in the form of a heavy-duty plastic clasp with a separate pull-tab. The strap is long enough to transition between carrying the Prospect Messenger Bag across your body or on your shoulder. The optional airmesh shoulder pad provides a ton of extra support, and I am personally glad to have it on my bag.
This system admittedly takes some getting used to, and I accidentally knocked the clasp open on my first trip which nearly caused me to drop my bag.After playing around with it for a few minutes and realizing my near disaster, I feel much more confident in how to wear this messenger bag.
Features of the Timbuk2 Propsect Messenger Bag
The rolltop closure and TPU-lined interior are my favorite features of the Prospect Messenger Bag. Unlike previous messenger bags I have owned, I have full confidence that my laptop & electronic gadgets are safe inside this waterproof compartment. Timbuk2 also designed this bag to velcro down in case you are in a situation where rolling & buckling up the top is not preferable. I can say that I enjoy this flexibility, especially when you need to be constantly reaching into your bag.
The front pocket is secured with velcro, and inside you will find a couple of pockets to hold small items like business cards or keys. The main compartment has more internal organization and a small zippered pocket. An elastic water bottle pocket adorns both ends of the bag. Since the Prospect is geared towards bike riders, the two buckles used to secure the rolltop also include dangling reflective hits for safety. This may not come in handy for the average traveler, but I appreciate the urban aesthetic and will hopefully find them useful when I am biking to the coffee shop.
The laptop sleeve is well-thought out. It is felt lined and secured with a velco strap. The sleeve pocket is accessible from inside the main compartment, and there is also a water-resistant zipper on the exterior of the bag that allows quick access to your laptop without having to unfurl the rolltop. I am also very glad to see that the laptop sleeve does include a false bottom. This means that your laptop will remain suspended above the bottom of the bag and gives me the peace of mind that my computer is somewhat safer.

All in all, I am very impressed with the Timbuk2 Prospect Messenger Bag at first glance. The bag looks better than any messenger bag I have used before, and it feels like it was built to last.
I am very happy to add an American-made travel product to my quiver, and I see this bag as serving as my default work/commute bag. The 22L capacity is large enough that I can throw in a change of clothes, which means I feel confident that I can travel with only this bag for overnight trips. Timbuk2’s custom handmade bags are quite a treat, and I look forward to putting this messenger bag through its paces.
Recommended for:
I recommend this bag for anyone who is tired of toting around a generic messenger back and wants to add a little variety to the stable of boring office bags.
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